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DragonCon 2023

For the DragonCon 2023 parade the Great Jawa Horde presented a preview of their own DragonCon Store with a lot of CosPlay items from other fandoms that were definitely not stolen!

Here's the parade coverage from local Atlanta TV queued up to the Great Jawa Horde appearance (sadly, the announcers didn't recognize the TARDIS):

And here's the official DragonConTV version (also queued to the Jawas).

We also got some nice coverage from the Georgia Tech student newspaper "The Technique":

The parade's finale came in the form of an entire tribe of Jawas, the desert planet scavengers from Star Wars. The hooded, glowing-eyed aliens toted stolen/"scavenged" items with them from other pop-culture universes, such as Captain America/s shield, Dorothy/s ruby slippers, The Doctor's T.A.R.D.I.S and - to the delight of many in the crowd - a Tech T.

(For the unfamiliar, stealing the 'T' from the Tech Tower is an unofficial (and banned) tradition at GT, so the Jawa carrying the T was quite warmly received by locals.)

And finally, a few select photos: